I-75 south

image of motorhome parked at the fair grounds
Looking from the grandstands at the fairgrounds

My stay in Bowling was great as it has been in the past, with one exception. Myles Pizza my favorite pizza joint closed before I landed in BG. That delicious pizza that filled my plate is no more because the owner decided he didn’t want to give the recipe away even to the new owner would buy it he said no. So the recipe goes with him to his grave and all the people who loved Myles pizza suffer, very sad.

It is always nice to visit with friends and I also installed a new surge protector. Another article on that later. Chloe enjoyed walking around the fairgrounds too.

I had ordered new tire valve extensions and had a local truck tire shop put them on. Well during the install we found out that I had a bad tire. They didn’t have the tire in stock plus their price was somewhat high. So I called Pomps whom I have purchased the tires from and they told me to check with Best One tire.

The day we left it was early, I wanted to get out early because the traffic around Cinci is usually bad. So I figured if I get out early I can get ahead of that traffic and get into the FMCA park early.

I stopped at Best One tire and had them put a new tire on the rear. They are submitting the old for a warranty claim, hopefully, I will get a fair amount back.


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