I had finally decided to go north from Texas. The heat and mosquitoes were getting to me. Daily heat of 100 plus doesn’t suit my style but the new AC unit was keeping up fine. ( That’s another post) I left out on the morning of June 10th, 2020. My plan was to stop and get the oil changed in the coach and then head to Angels of Goliad Rv park for the night. It would be a relatively short drive because I wasn’t sure how long the oil change would take. I pulled into US 281 Truck And Trailer Services LLC at about 8:30 am and let them know I was there. It took maybe 15 mins to get me in because they were in the process of moving a truck out of the bay I was going in. I had all the filters and oil for them. The job went super. They are great people here, I highly recommend them! It was about 10:45 or so when I left for Angels of Goliad.
The trip was going smooth, the coach was just floating down the road eating up the miles. I was on Tx 359 heading to US 181. I was approaching US 181 just rolling up to the stop sign at about 15 mph when out of the corner of my eye I saw a black flash and then boom something hit me. I was like oh shit something just hit me. I stopped the coach and set the brakes. I got out of the coach and some guy who was in the car in front of me waiting at the stop grabbed me and said you don’t want to go back there. A guy on a motorcycle had taken the corner to fast and lost control hitting me on the driver’s side front bay door and damaged the fender, tire, rim, and more bay doors after that. Landing back by my rear wheel. In a matter of minutes there was a lady screaming please help my husband. Also there a swarm of Texas Patrol there very quickly along with the fire department and DOT which blocked off both roads. The accident investigation team showed up and took all my information then proceeded to go over the coach and ask me all kinds of questions. About 45 mins had passed and there still were no paramedics yet, so I ask one of the troopers where they were. He told the guy on the motorcycle didn’t make it. He said the coroner would be coming out.
Then they wanted me to move. I had a flat tire and bent rim but it wasn’t like I would hurt it more. This was after about 4 hrs. The tow truck driver had arranged to get a tire and rim from Carlos Garcia Tire shop who proceeded to screw me over royally! Overcharging me on everything. Nice guy huh? I guess if you are not from Texas people just think they can screw you over. It was now about 5:30 pm and they finally got the new tire on and I was off to Angels of Goliad Rv Park which btw was only 34 miles away. I was pretty shaken up about the whole thing. After setting up I poured a drink and tried to relax. I was only planning on staying the one night but I was so shaken up I couldn’t drive the next day. So happy birthday to me in the way of an accident!